Have you noticed that your website is not making as many conversions as you want it to? You have invested in as many marketing strategies that exist: from PPC to SEO, you’ve done it all. However, one aspect that you seem to have neglected is web design.
Having an excellent website will impact the decision of potential clients and possibly result in them being converted into actual leads. So how exactly do you create a good website? Below is a list of web design principles to follow that you can expect to help with your conversion rate.
1. Limiting Choices
William Edmund Hick was a British psychologist who developed the concept of Hick’s law. The law states that the decision time of an individual is directly proportional to the number of choices that they have. The more available or present choices, the longer the decision time.
You may have even noticed in your own time that whenever you have to make a decision, if many choices are made available, you take a long time. Sometimes, you even end up clicking away or deciding not to do anything completely.
By limiting the choices that one has, you allow them to make a decision faster. This can be done by not having too many links on a single page or your navigation bar. However, don’t eliminate decision-making completely, as you still want to give your clients options and the ability to decide to remind them that they have the power still.
2. Faster Speeds Equal to Happy Customers
Many people become more impatient when browsing the web. So even very small delays could cause them to be annoyed and click away from a website. Try to make your website load faster by optimising it and eliminating unnecessary elements. Your customers will be happy and will surely remember that your website was convenient because it loaded up quickly.
3. Utilise Negative Space
Negative space refers to the empty space in websites that contain no elements. While it is great to have content and elements on your website, it is important that you do not overload your website with these contents and elements. Instead, choose the most valuable content to keep on your website.
Make sure to use negative space wisely, though. Too much negative space can be a bad thing as well. Use it to break up and section your content properly to avoid big blocks of elements that could be overwhelming to look at.
4. Take Advantage of Colors
Colours are not just there for visual and aesthetic purposes of your website. Instead, you need to realize that they play a big role and can evoke emotions in your users. Try to choose a colour palette that would bring out the kind of emotion you hope your brand will convey to your audience. You can do some research on how colours affect the emotions and the decisions of your consumers.
How Web Design Helps
Investing in web design is an excellent way to boost your conversion rate and help your digital marketing efforts. Without it, you will surely lose more customers, but if you do it better, you may be surprised at your growing conversion rate. Follow the principles above, and you should be able to get more conversions.
If you are seeking web design services in Australia, you can contact us at Frank Digital Agency. With our services, your business will surely be boosted on the search engine results page. Book a free no-obligation consultation today to learn more.