To reach the top of Google’s search results, you’ll need to crawl, climb, and jump your way through a slew of competitors and algorithms. As far as search engine optimization goes, there is a lot of competition. Google’s ranking is based on over 200 factors, many of which are site-specific.

If you’re a beginner at SEO, this article will guide you to gain a deeper understanding of Google’s search ranking.

How Does Google Rank Websites?

To understand how Google ranks websites, you must first understand how Google works. Google is an algorithm. It is a processing formula that uses human and computer efforts to determine authority and relevance. Google’s primary purpose is to process information and make it as easy as possible to find and quantify.

Although Google’s machine brain can process things fast, it still needs a little help from humans. Google engineers have created a list of guidelines that explain which sites are relevant and authoritative. Google built the algorithm that ranks a website based on those guidelines or rules and adjusted them over time.

Significant factors that influence Google ranking:

  • The number of links pointing to your site.
  • Your site’s authority.
  • Your site’s reputation.

PageRank is the algorithm that determines how Google ranks sites. Every time Google crawls a place, it analyzes the source code on a page, including meta tags, navigation, images, etc. Then, it adds authority to a page based on the page’s importance in the chain of a link. 

The greater the chain, the higher authority of the link you can pass. In this case, the first page is linked to another page related to another page linked to the main authority, like Google’s homepage. The first page is an authority.

PageRank affects how many sites link and the importance of your site to those sites. This can heavily influence how many pages are linked and how many people visit your site.

Do You Think That Google Will Ever Change the Way It Ranks Sites?

Absolutely. Google changes its ranking algorithm up to 500 times each year. While it is impossible to predict the future, Google has shown that it is willing to maintain its top position in search. Machine learning is already taking over.

This means that Google will produce content that is more relevant to users and their questions. It will also allow Google to create a more reliable search engine than ever before.

In the past, Google tweaked the algorithm to get rid of sites with too many ads. More recently, Google used a mobile-first index, which means that Google views sites primarily from a mobile perspective. This is a much more user-friendly and responsive solution than a computer or laptop would be.

Google has made it clear that the algorithm is a work in progress, meaning it will constantly be changing to find the best content for users.


Google’s primary goal towards its search algorithms is to ensure the most relevant information for its users. While Google is constantly changing its algorithm, it is unlikely to change the basics on how it works.

Google wants to give users what they are looking for and make it easy to find that web page. The algorithm uses a large number of factors to rank web pages. The significant factors are the number of links pointing to a web page or site, the authority of the page or site, and the reputation.

Are you looking for the best SEO company in Adelaide? We at Frank Digital Agency can assist you in achieving a position on the first page of Google’s search results for your business. Call us today!