Everyone talks about engaging digital consumers and funnelling them through various means of online marketing. This brings in conversions and ultimately leads them to your website. But what if they land on a webpage that doesn’t actually lead to a conversion, or worse, drives them away?

One thing that should not be overlooked is website design. This aspect can determine how much time users spend on your page, whether or not they click on services, and how likely they are to recall your business. The way your website is designed should be thought of both in terms of brand visuals as we all as ease of use for visitors. 

If you’re still not sure how thoughtful web development Adelaide comes to play in your business goals, consider the following benefits:

Establishes Your Credibility

Nowadays, people go online to find relevant information. This is where they check whether businesses are reliable and legitimate. Feedback, the right details, and a well-curated website will determine their perception of your brand. 

Even your landing site will immediately give visitors an impression of your brand and what you do. In fact, over a fourth of users will leave a website in less than a minute if the design is not good.

Increases Brand Recognition

Your website acts as a business card and one-stop shop in the digital world. Here, you can showcase your branding—your voice, colour palette, font, and visuals.

Consumers should always be able to come back to your website to remember you. And even new visitors should be able to have a lasting impression of your brand. With the right design and content, you can significantly increase brand awareness and recall.

Expands Your Reach

The way most people will discover your website is through their search engine. If Google, the most commonly used search engine, deems that your services and content are relevant to a user’s query, then your website will show up higher on the results page.

Having a website gives search engines a place to direct users toward. More than just having a site, though, is making sure it matches the algorithm to climb up the results page.  If your site loads quickly, has a good design and contains relevant content that uses search engine optimization and keywords, you’re good to go.

Improves Brand Loyalty

Beyond being nice to look at, your website should make the user experience easy. If it has useful tools and lets customers get to your services efficiently, they are more likely to come back. It’s a combination of actually having content they’re looking for and making sure it’s easy to navigate their way to the content.

Maintains Relevance and Visibility

At the end of the day, people need to know your brand exists. Without a website, your services may just get swept over a tide of other competitors that have curated sites. Make sure you stay ahead of the curve by updating your website consistently and ensuring that it is designed to keep bringing old and new visitors in.


As we continue to become a technologically inclined society, businesses simply have to adapt and take on digital transformation. Having a dedicated site with proper website design will be the pillar for any brand trying to stake its hold in the populated digital space. Even if you already have an existing website, you can improve its content, layout, and navigation to get the benefits above.

Choose a web design agency that can get your website on the first page of Google’s search results. Reach out to Frank Digital Agency for a free no-obligation consultation.